English Placement Test

21 02 2008

Went for EPT this morning. All officers were required to sit for the test organised by British Council in order to gauge our English profiency. Grammar, writing and speaking test. Its been so long since I had to sit for a test, the last one was during an interview with my previous employer, SSSCKL, about 4 years back. Hmm… blur gila masa nak start buat essay tadi, had to be around 200-300 words.. tapi rasanya buat tak sampai 200 kot.. hehe.. writing skills dah berkarat. :p

The results will determine whether we have to go for English classes or not. I don’t mind going to the classes.. walau mcm mana terer pun kita (chewah… mcm perasan la pulak :D), there are always new stuffs to learn.

There’s still a lot to do, and it is already Thursday. Huhu…

Kerja… kerja… kerja…Kerja… kerja… kerja…



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